Arisa Funabashi

Arisa Funabashi


♪ Please be My Friends

Sunday, January 22, 2012

~Terkesan Sebentar~

Jika satu hari kau sudah bertaubat,tetapi kau dicela, difitnah, aibmu diceritakan di mana mana,
dan memburuk-burukkan mu,

Kerana Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Memahami.
Endahkan mereka kerana mulut manusia tidak boleh ditutup.
Biarkan mereka mengambil alih dosamu
dan kau ambillah pahala mereka seperti yang dijanjikan...InsyaAllah

بِاسْمِكَ اللّهُمَّ أَحْيَاوَأَمُوتُ.
Ya Allah. Dengan namaMu hamba hidup, dan dengan namaMu hamba mati".
(Riwayat Muslim)

notakaki : Always remember that never judge a person in the past, no matter how bad it may be. We are not the one who is living their life. If you are dating someone who has a complicated past, then try talking more of it and understand what they have been going through. Bare in mind that they are not living in the past anymore, its all about the present and the future. What you are doing in the present is a big step for the future. But looking back at the past, and make a deal out of everything all the bad things that happened will not help you leap to your future...^^

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